Sunday 23 November 2008

The eternal list

Wants, desires, aspirations and goals. We all have them, then there are the few who actively go and get them. The worst bit of it (for those of us too lazy to try), is that a get up and go attitude tends to get you to where you want to go. Seriously, I kid you not!
Spontaneity tends to produce the best results as we learn to appreciate the art of letting ourselves go and stop questioning our ability to succeed at the precise moment where one more step, one small action is all it will take. I'm not talking about climbing mountains, more like going to that Jazz club you've always wanted to visit but never get round too; or making a point of actually going to the major exhibitions in your home city that others would travel hundreds of miles to go and see. 

Thursday 20 November 2008

The secret world of you and me

People keep commenting on the necklace. I say thanks and smile because it makes me think of you. What great taste! I know you didn't choose it but the person who bought it for you did, and they based their choice on a unique understanding of your personality, style and enviable joie de vivre. I like to think that each time I wear it a little bit of that rubs off on me.
There's so much more I want to tell you but I would rather say it to your face. Who knows if and when that day will come, I for one am still finding my feet after all we went through the last time. At least I know I have a good 4 weeks of me time to let things settle, although with the festive season creeping up on us I imagine a fair amount of my "me" time will become "me + Zubrowka" time!
You would laugh at me, I would giggle and much would be left unsaid purely because intuition was our chosen means of communication. I sometimes wish we could have been more vocal and expressive, the way we are with other people. And sometimes we were which was great! Other times, at the opposite end of the spectrum, what was great was the secret world of you and me. We haven't lost that have we?

Sunday 16 November 2008

It's the anticipation that counts. At least that's what the Irish say! There is some truth in our apparent obsession with planning and only occasionally doing. Is it because an executed plan brings with it expectation and risks disappointment? A dream isn't a reality. But a reality can be better than a dream if we could only let go of expectation and focus on appreciating the unexpected. 

That's not to say don't plan. Just make sure you let yourself go now and then, take a wrong turn and don't question how you'll get back on track. (Another cliché...) it's the journey that counts, the destination is a given so how we get there should always be a bonus of sorts.
So what if Ireland lose to the All Blacks. We were fairly sure it was going to happen, at best we hoped for a good match! And were it not for the ref we would have got jut that. But lets not get caught up in post game politics, truth is the best part of the day is spent in the pub pre and/or post match; bagging yourself a kiwi would be the cherry on the cake, or the bonus journey in keeping with the theme!

Sunday 9 November 2008

Starting, I think

It takes time to get to  point where you can start putting pen to paper, or in this day and age finger to keyboard to screen. Whatever your choice of medium, the point remains the same. An experience, an event, a moment - when are we really able to write about something past and in doing so are we letting a little bit of the memory go?
When you try to get across a story based on fact, an element of fiction or 'spin' as the media refer to it, is used consciously or not in order  to make it that little bit more interesting, or that little bit more real. Ironic no? But back to my point (and you'll soon learn that I tend to diverge from one topic to another all too easily). Does this fictitious injection alter the blueprint of an experience in our minds so that over time we no longer recognise what is real and what is supplementing fact?